Tuesday, August 4, 2009


The interdisciplinary project was overall a good project.  It definitely helped me to think about writing as a process and the steps I use when writing a paper and how they could be better.  Even though I personally felt the paper to be somewhat of a personal failure, It helped me to think critically about the way I approach larger projects and writing in general. 

I wish had committed myself to the endeavor sooner because after getting over the dread of blogging, I found that I rather enjoyed researching and posting my findings or thoughts.  Putting together a blog is like showing the steps involved in coming to a conclusion.  Some steps are serious, while others can be quite entertaining.  The trick is not to get hung up on any one step and let the research guide the questions that are asked.  Sometimes my thoughts were guiding my research rather than my research guiding my thoughts.  

I also wish I could have pinned down my topic sooner.  I had personally been thinking about a number of issues... driving, social control, perception, but even after writing the paper, I never felt like a found the through thread I was looking for.  I should have focused on one of these topics more thoroughly and looked into only one aspect.  While freeways is a specific topic, it opens itself to a number of other issues that are related, but somewhat not clearly.  Just because automobiles and cars are the whole reason for the existence of freeways, does not mean they are inseparable.

Despite the stress I put myself through in the class, I do feel like a came out understanding process in writing and life better.  Have a good rest of the summer, Thanks!

p.s. cute kids  
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